This Sacrament is administered to the children for the first time after they have attended two years of preparatory classes (Grades 1 & 2) through the Parish’s Youth Faith Formation Program. Parents must attend an Instructional Meeting. The reception of First Holy Communion is usually the first Saturday in May.
Holy Communion is administered at all Masses. If anyone is sick or homebound, arrangements can be made to have Holy Communion brought to the person at home. Please contact the Pastoral Associate, Deacon Robert Armstrong, at 732-774-0456, ext. 102, to make these arrangements.
Celiac Sprue Parishioners
We provide a low gluten (<0.01% gluten content) host for those who are gluten-intolerant. Parishioners should see the deacon or priest prior to the start of the Mass in order to be included in the reception of the Eucharist.