The Sacrament of Marriage requires a time of spiritual preparation. Couples should make arrangements at the Parish Rectory one year in advance before planning a wedding. The bride, the groom, or their parents/grandparents must be registered active parishioners at the Parish of St. Teresa of Calcutta for at least one year before calling to make arrangements. Never schedule a reception before contacting the Parish.
The following is the policy of the Parish of St. Teresa of Calcutta regarding the Sacrament of Marriage:
To be married at either church of the Parish of St. Teresa of Calcutta, you must meet one of the following:
- Live within the boundaries of the Parish.
- Be the child of active, registered parishioners (who have been registered for at least one year)
- Be a registered parishioner who practices his/her faith regularly for at least ONE year before calling to make wedding arrangements.
Weddings are not scheduled on Sunday. The Parish of St. Teresa of Calcutta is in accordance with The Common Policy of Marriage adopted by the Bishops of New Jersey. All couples, without exception, must attend either Pre-Cana Conferences or an Engaged Encounter Experience. A certificate from one of these sessions must be presented to the priest or deacon preparing you for marriage. Pre-Cana and Engaged Encounter schedules are available on the Diocesan web site
Once you call and register for marriage, the priest or deacon will call you and set up a meeting and give more information.