We shall pass through the world But once Any good that we can do Or any kindness that we can show To any human being, Let us do it now, Let us not defer Or neglect it For we shall not pass this way again.
WHO WE ARE We are a group of volunteers within the Parish, striving to help the less fortunate in our area. Our goal is to help meet the material and financial needs of the poor, the elderly and those faced with a sudden financial crisis. In the past year, our Society has been able, with your help, to assist 45 families and individuals financially. We hope this short overview gives you some insight into our mission.
HOW WE OPERATE We visit each family and individuals in their homes on a case to case basis. This gives us a better understanding of their needs. Everything is done in a confidential setting. Every case is assessed separately. Some people have a need for rental assistance, utilities, medical/prescription, but most often food is their primary need. After the initial visit, our associates confer with one another and decide on the appropriate action, if any. In the past year, we have appropriated the donations accordingly: RENT & LODGING $8,147.00 UTILITIES $4,391.00 MISCELLANEOUS $325.00 FOOD CERTIFICATES $3,000.00.
The Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays are our busiest time. Food certificates were distributed to the needy for Thanksgiving, which enables the people to purchase their favorite holiday menu. The Christmas Giving Tree helped us provide toys and gifts to many families in the immediate area and to those less fortunate on the outskirts. The Giving Tree also provided us with monetary donations and gift cards to various stores and supermarkets. These gift cards and gifts were distributed through various organizations: The Bradley Beach Food Pantry Bradley Beach Fire Dept. Mt. Carmel School Sisters of Charity Manchester Regional Day School
WAYS TO HELP We encourage all to contribute to the Bradley Beach Food Pantry. If each person would bring one non-perishable food item to church each Sunday, it would be a great way to fill their shelves, and you would be helping your neighbor. Another resource is gift cards to local food stores. This helps people purchase items not available at the Pantry. They also give the people the dignity of shopping for themselves and purchasing the food their families like. We have Poor Boxes at the doors of the churches for monetary donations. We also ask you to support our fundraisers during the year.
If you would like to learn more, or are in need of assistance, please call 732-774-0456 Ext. 105